Sunday 13 January 2013

Dakar 2013 Casteu leader - problems for KTM - Honda does not win

David Casteu is amazed by its position as a leader in this historic Dakar.
Where Ktm does not shine and the debut of Honda is not convincing. Although Ktm has two
pilots Lopez and Faria in second and third place, loses champion
Despres for a gearbox failure and replacement of the engine with 15 penalty minutes.
The best Honda in seventh place is not the captain Rodrigues but the novelty Esquerre Jeremías. Unconvincing debut for Honda after the incidents occurred during the preparation of the Dakar in California.
For the blue bike with the tuning fork is a moment of glory with the two drivers and Pain Casteu. Pain runs with the Yamaha France and Casteu runs with its small private team
But the team that has most impressed me is that Husqvarna and the pace of its leader Barreda, unfortunately bermato from reliability problems but still ready to snap, demonstration
the last victory in the eighth round. The best is that the HUSQVARNA pitota Alessandro Botturi in twelfth place. In the ranking of female Laisa GasGas is not afraid of attacks by Chilean Josefina Gardulski in centotrentaduesima position with fifteen hours late.
In the ranking of the Chilean leads the Rookie
on South African Riaan Van Niekerk. For bikes without Consultancy Dutchman Hans-Jos fight in thirty-fifth position

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