Wednesday 5 June 2013

Cross Country Rally World Championship Marc Coma Winner.

Marc Coma won for the third time the Sardegna Rally Race
Gonçalves and Pedrero complete a podium entirely Iberian
Alessandro Botturi the last stage

Marc Coma 
San Teodoro, June 5, 2013. 2010, 2011 and now 2013. Marc Coma won for the third time the Sardegna Rally Race, invariably with the KTM, and becomes the absolute record holder. The Spaniard has won the race with a lead of more 
than seven minutes on the 

Portuguese Paulo Gonçalves, making his debut with Honda Team HRC. In third place, a trifle late, the other Spanish Joan Pedrero, in the race with a Beta of Italian Dirt Racing Team. Coma went straight to the top by winning the first leg from Alghero to Arborea, has given way to Alessandro Botturi at the end of the second, and came back in the lead at the end of the third stage and stay there until the end of the Rally. In total, the Spaniard has won three of the special stage and two stage, and owes its exceptional performance to the highest concentration, which has guaranteed the minimum of errors and perfect alignment with the difficulties of the race, with particular reference to the navigation.

Juan Pedrero 
Unlike its rivals, which have alternated days to other excellent even disastrous, Coma has maintained a profile perfectly homogeneous, limiting the attacks and preferring it to be a kind of natural selection in determining the outcome of the rally. Yet another masterpiece of class, strength and experience goes right in the anthology of the career of pilot Avià.

Very interesting fight for the remaining two places on the podium, which involved six pilots in the enclosed space of a few minutes, and that was resolved only at the end of the last stage. Exciting selection took part in the final order of arrival, Paulo Gonçalves, Joan Pedrero, Cyril Despres, who made his debut with Yamaha, and Italians Alessandro Botturi, Andrea Mancini and Paolo Ceci. In particular, Botturi gave the feeling of having already acquired the pace of the Great, and to be able to cope with the specialty security matures. Caused a sensation the fact that the Giant Lumezzane has managed in such a short time to gain the necessary experience to extricate himself in the difficult art of navigation, and Sardinia from Brescia has provided compelling evidence. Botturi, who won three special stages and two, he had his big break during the fourth and penultimate stage when he was a hair's breadth from a resounding success, then thwarted by a broken fuel just a few meters from the end of the stage .

Third on the podium in San Teodoro, Joan Pedrero has provided evidence of being able to do without the umbilical cord that bound him to Marc Coma with the degree of water carrier ace Spanish. Joined at the last moment by Team Beta Dirt Racing, Pedrero won three specials and a stage, the third, and only sold in the final second place in the Portuguese Gonçalves. The latter conquers his third runner-up in the three World Rally played so far, and remains the only potential rival Marc Coma who is the provisional leader 

with three wins.
Paolo Goncalves

The last special stage of the race, 2013, over two hundred miles, has completed the range of scenarios and situations techniques offered to the participants. After the mountain slopes, long rides along the sea and the very wide range of weather conditions, the stage of closure was certainly smoother and faster than previous versions, and with much less difficulty with navigation. Coma has "explored" first for a good part of its development, fending off attacks from Mancini and Pedrero, but not that of Alexander Botturi, who finished his second so Sardegna Rally Race with a win. For Brescia, now, the goal is to find a motorcycle and a team to complete the season.

Rally Bike Village, created by Antonello Chiara and Gianrenzo Bazzu six years ago is out of the teeth, a magnificent event and probably one of the most complete of the discipline. Its atypical configuration contains an incredible number of consents, which are the source of its record and its prerogatives. The rest, ie the maximum of her dowry, is Sardinia

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